modeling nature from nano to macro

Collective Dynamics in Science and Society
A Program of 7 Lectures for PhD Students and Young Researchers by
Nicola Bellomo, Diletta Burini, Giovanni Dosi, Livio Gibelli, Damian A. Knopoff, Pietro Terna, Nisrine Outada,
Maria E. Virgillito
International Summer School on Modeling Nature (MNat)
BIOMAT 2024 - Exploring Mathematical Models in Immunology and Innovative Strategies in Immune Cell Reprogramming Therapies
BIOMAT 2023 - Multiscale Methods at the Frontier Between Data and Mathematical Models
The eighteenth edition of the Biomat International Summer School is based on the relationship between Biochemistry and Biomechanics and their possible applications in neuroscience.
International Summer School on Modeling Nature (MNat)
BIOMAT 2022 - Multiscale Models and Methods in Life Sciences
A PhD school organized in a series of minicourses and seminars on current topics of mathematical modeling in developmental biology, biophysics, biomechanics, biomedicine and deep learning aimed at researchers in training and the entire scientific community.
International PhD School on Modeling Nature 2021
Biomat 2021
A course organized in a series of weekly seminars
Organized by Juan Calvo, David Poyato and Juan Soler
You can find links to the videos of the conferences.
José Antonio Carrillo (University of Oxford), Nicola Bellomo (University of Granada), Alex Mogilner (Courant Institute, New York), Anna Marciniak-Czochra (Heidelberg University), Benoît Ladoux (Jacques Monod Institute, CNRS & University of Paris), Thomas Hillen (University of Alberta), Andreas Deutsch (Technical University of Dresden), Philip Maini (University of Oxford), Christian Schmeiser (University of Vienna), Eitan Tadmor (University of Maryland), Henri Berrestycki (EHESS, Paris), Martina Conte (University of Granada), Lorenzo Pareschi (University of Ferrara)
International PhD School on Modeling Nature 2020
Biomat 2020. Mathematical Modeling, Mechanics and Biology
International PhD School on Modeling Nature 2019
Patterns in Life and Social Sciences
Universidad de Granada, June13th-19th.
The formation of patterns in life and social sciences, economics or engineering is something that we live with daily and makes nature to show us with an internal order and a very specialized organization. Flocks of birds that self-organize to migrate, traffic flow, evacuation of large concentrations of individuals, groups in social or ecological networks, economic developments, morphogenesis and developmental biology, singular fronts, or simply why we are the way we are, are only a few examples of patterns all around us. We propose to review some hot topics of these theories through specialized mini-courses and a workshop.
International PhD School on Modeling Nature 2018
This school is based on the interaction between mathematical models, numerical simulations and big data analysis in order to address fundamental and applied problems, or to unite problems concerning tumor dynamics, ecology, development biology, biomechanics, physics of new materials or synthetic biology. This niche of interdisciplinary research in which the capacity of predictive modeling is combined with experimentation is increasingly relevant in the landscape of international research, as evidenced by the increase of its own space (including complete journals) in the most prestigious publishing houses like Nature or Science.
The final objective of this Doctoral School is to achieve an interdisciplinary, internationally competitive training that allows doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to reach the excellence and versatility required in the best-level work, inside and outside the academic structures. The educational program of the school is based on:
• Cell Communication and Tumor Growth
• Modeling Bio-Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, and Synthetic Biology
• Complex Adaptive Systems at Multiple Scales in Evolutionary and Global Ecology
• Mathematical Models and Methods in Life Sciences
• Scientific Effective Communication. Creativity in Science
• Mathemathical Models of Vision
• Workshop of Young Researchers
In the workshop of young researchers and throughout the different sessions, or in a special poster session, participants are called upon to present their first results. The student-teacher interaction will be one of the pillars of this school and various meetings / round tables have been programmed, focused on promoting brainstorms and collaborations in the fields related to the different thematic sessions, as well as a special session on science communication: "Scientific Effective Communication. Creativity in Science".
MNat researchers teach graduate courses in several Science and Technology Masters.
Máster Física y Matemáticas (FisyMat). University of Granada
Máster Oficial en Investigación Traslacional y Medicina Personalizada. University of Granada
Master Universitario en Estructuras. University of Granada
Master en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. University of Granada
Master Oficial Avances en Radiología Diagnóstica y Terapéutica y Medicina Física. University of Granada
Master Genética y Evolución. University of Granada
Master Conservación, Gestión y Restauración de la Biodiversidad. University of Granada
Máster Oficial en Biotecnología y Biomedicina. University of Jaen
Máster Oficial en Biología y Tecnología de la Reproducción de Mamíferos University of Murcia
Programa de Doctorado en Física y Matemáticas (FisyMat)
Biología Fundamental y de Sistemas
Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Civil
Programa Doctorado de Biomedicina
Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales
EDPs No Locales y Aplicaciones
15th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids
Biophysical approaches to exopolymeric particle dynamics in aquatic ecosystems
Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales
I MNat Workshop: The 1st Workshop on Modeling Nature: from Nano to Macro
MNat School: International PhD School on Modeling Nature
Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales
La Noche de los Investigadores
II Jornadas de Investigadores en Formación: Fomentando la Interdisciplinariedad (JIFFI)
Ruta Emprendedora Para Jóvenes Investigadores
BIOMAT 2017: Mathematical models in biomedical imaging
Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales
BIOMAT 2016: Cell dynamics and polymerization, special session in Honour to Abdel Bellouquid