modeling nature from nano to macro
Granada, Spain
13 - 19 June 2019
Juan Soler
Juanjo Nieto
Local Organizing Committee
Margarita Arias, Juan Calvo, Manuel Cambón, ClaudiaGarcía, José Luis López, David Poyato & Óscar Sánchez
Conference venue
Minicourses (June 13-14): Facultad de Ciencias
Workshop (June 17-19): Fundación Euroárabe

The formation of patterns in life and social sciences, economics or engineering is something that we live with daily and makes nature to show us with an internal order and a very specialized organization. Flocks of birds that self-organize to migrate, traffic flow, evacuation of large concentrations of individuals, groups in social or ecological networks, economic developments, morphogenesis and developmental biology, singular fronts, or simply why we are the way we are, are only a few examples of patterns all around us. We propose to review some hot topics of these theories through specialized mini-courses and a workshop.
Workshop (June 17-19)
• Tomás Alarcón, CRM-Barcelona (Spain)
Multiscale modelling of complex endothelial cell dynamics in tumour-induced angiogenesis
• Nicola Bellomo, P. Torino (Italy)
Critical Patterns in Social Crowds Dynamics
• Henri Berestycki, EHESS-Paris (France)
Predators-prey model with competition
• Vincent Calvez, U. Lyon (France)
A quantitative genetics model with sexual mode of reproduction in the regime of small variance
• Juan Campos, U Granada (Spain)
Pattern formation in Keller-Segel models with flux-saturated mechanisms
• Iain Couzin, Max Planck. Collective Behaviour Lab (Germany)
Collective Sensing and Decision Making in Animal Groups: From Fish Schools to Primate Societies
• José M. Gómez, EEZA-CSIC (Spain)
A simple general model to assess continuous variation in the outcome of ecological interactions
• Isabel Guerrero, CBM-CSIC (Spain)
The cytoneme connection model for directed long distance Hedgehog signalling during development
• Seung Yeal Ha, Seoul National University (Korea)
Emergent dynamics of flocking models with internal variables
• Miguel Ángel Herrero, U. Complutense Madrid (Spain)
Homeostasis: an emerging law for cell populations
• Taoufik Hmidi, U. Rennes (France)
Non-homoegenous relative equilibria in geophysical flows
• Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, U. Maryland (USA)
Mean field limits for multi-agent systems with singular interactions
• Shigeru Kondo, Osaka U. (Japan)
Two types of mathematical models explaining the complex biological phenomena
• Philip Maini, U. Oxford (UK)
Modelling collective cell movement: applications in developmental biology and disease
• Benoît Perthame, Sorbonne U. (France)
Mathematical models of living tissues and the Hele-Shaw limit
• David Poyato, U Granada (Spain)
Mean field limits and clustering behavior in the Kuramoto model with singular couplings
• Eitan Tadmor, U. Maryland (USA)
Emerging patterns with short-range interactions
• Guy Theraulaz, U. Paul Sabatier-CNRS (France)
Modeling three-dimensional stigmergic construction in ant colonies
• Giuseppe Toscani, U. Pavia (Italy)
Human behavior and log-normal distribution
[Advanced courses in Biomathematics & Life Sciences] (June 13-14)
• Tomás Alarcón, CRM-Barcelona (Spain),
An introduction to the mathematical modelling of epigenetics
• Vincent Calvez, U. Lyon (France)
Asymptotic methods in evolutionary biology
• Miguel Ángel Herrero, U. Complutense Madrid (Spain)
Populations, decisions, algorithms
1. Immune response: emergent properties resulting from individual decisions
2. The advantages of knowledge: model - driven vaccine design
3. The algorithmic nature of bone remodeling
• Christina Surulescu, TU Kaiserslautern
Mathematical modeling of cancer invasion: The influence of the tumor microenvironment


Social events
Tuesday, June 18, at 20:30 h
"Tapas Dinner" at Carmen de la Victoria (How to reach it by walking and doing a nice touristic tour)
Inscriptions and Grants
Inscription fee: 250 Euros
• The inscription fee has to be paid before May, 10th, by transfer to:
Universidad de Granada: CIF: Q1818002F
Bank name: Bankia
IBAN: ES89 2038 3505 3664 0000 5794
Please specify in the transfer data your NAME, BIOMAT, and code 30G4070000.
• After May 10th, the inscription fee will be 300 Euros.
• Please, fill in the registration form below and send us your data together with a copy of the transfer to kinetic@ugr.es
(including the word "BIOMAT" in the subject).
Registration (closed)
If you are planning to attend the courses, please, send us the following data to kinetic@ugr.es (including the word "BIOMAT" in the subject). In order to complete your registration, you have to send us also a copy of the payment of the inscription fee.

There are 10 grants (registration and/or accommodation up to 9 days) for students interested in attending the Biomat.
To apply for it please send us the registration form bellow and attach a curriculum vitae in PDF format, BEFORE May 3rd.
General info
Some hotels around the congress building that might be of your interest:
Granada Center **** (Av. Fuentenueva s/n)
Don Juan *** (C/ Martínez de la Rosa, 9)
Gran Hotel Luna de Granada **** (Plaza Manuel Cano, 2)
Macia Cóndor **** (Av. de la Constitución, 6)
Meliá Granada **** (C/ Ángel Ganivet, 7)
"La casa de la Trinidad" **** (C/ Capuchinas, 2)
Vincci Granada **** (Av. Constitución, 18)
Villa Oniria **** (C/ San Antón, 28)
Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Calle San Jerónimo, 27, 18001 Granada
List of participants
Aguirre-Tamaral, Adrián (CBM Severo Ochoa, Spain)
Alarcón, Tomás (CRM-Barcelona, Spain)
Algburi, Osamah Farooq Hussein (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Alpala Alpala, Rosa Janeth (Universidad de Nariño, Colombia)
Arias, Margarita (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Bellomo, Nicola (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Berestycki, Henri (EHESS-Paris, France)
Blanco Besteiro, Beatriz (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Bosque Martínez, Jesús (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Spain)
Cáceres, María José (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Calvez, Vincent (ENS Lyon, France)
Calvo, Juan (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Cambón, Manuel (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Campillo, Antonio (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
Campos, Juan (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Conte, Martina (BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain)
Couzin, Iain (Max Planck. Collective Behaviour Lab, Germany)
del Álamo Martín, Cristina (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Delgado Fumero, Armando (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Douglass, Aaron (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Fernández Estrada, Daniel (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
García, Claudia (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Garzón Martínez, Manuel (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Giniūnaitė, Rasa (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Gómez, José María (Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas-CSIC, Spain)
Guerrero, Isabel (CBM Severo Ochoa - CSIC, Spain)
Ha, Seung Yeal (Seoul National University, Korea)
Herrero, Miguel Ángel (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Hmidi, Taoufik (Université de Rennes1, France)
Jabin, Pierre-Enmanuel (University of Maryland, USA)
Jiménez Sánchez, Juan (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Spain)
Kim, Jeongho (Seoul National University, Japan)
Kondo, Shigeru (Osaka University, Japan)
Laguna García, Miriam (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
López Fernández, J. Luis (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Maini, Philip (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Maldonado Leza y Rodríguez, María Dolores (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Martín Valverde, Antonio J. (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Martínez, María Eugenia (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Martínez Sánchez, Francisco J. (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Mateos González, Álvaro (Université de Montpellier, France)
Maulén, Christopher (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Meseguer Terrades, Carlos (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Moreno Hidalgo, David (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Muñoz, Claudio (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Navarro Arrebola, Iván (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Nieto, Juanjo (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Peltier, Gwenaël (Université de Montpellier, France)
Perthame, Benoît (Sorbonne Université, France)
Portillo Díaz, Alejandro (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Poyato, David (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Raya Rodríguez, Eduardo (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Ríos Alcobendas, Gaspar (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
Romero Hernández, Idalia María (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Tegucigalpa)
Saldaña, Joan (Universitat de Girona, Spain)
Sánchez, Óscar (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Segarra López, Juan Fernando (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Soler, Juan (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Stepanova, Daria (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Spain)
Surulescu, Christina (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Tadmor, Eitan (University of Maryland, USA)
Tedone, Fabio (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy)
Theraulaz, Guy (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Torres, Nicolás (Sorbonne Université, France)
Toscani, Giuseppe (Università di Pavia, Italy)
Toribio Sola, Victor Manuel (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Urueña Cortacero, Isabel (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Veruete, Mario (Université de Montpellier, France)
Previous editions
XIV (2018) Quantum Biology
XIII (2017) Mathematical models in biomedical imaging
XII (2016) Cell dynamics & polymerization
& Special session in honour to Abdel Bellouquid -
XI (2015) Emergence and self-organization in social and biological systems
X (2014) Complexity & emergence in social and biological systems
IX (2013) Evolution and cooperation in social sciences & biomedicine
& 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers Modelling Biological Processes -
VIII (2012) Self-organization & collective dynamics in the life sciences:swarms, biofilms, traffic
& 2nd Meeting of Young Researchers Modelling Biological Processes -
VII (2011) Perspectives in mathematics and life sciences
& 1st Meeting of Young Researchers Modelling Biological Processes -
VI (2010) Maths & life sciences: mathematical models in biology
V (2009) Maths & life sciences: biology & mechanics
IV (2008) Maths & life sciences: tumor dynamics, pattern formation & signalling pathways
III (2007) Maths & life sciences: tumor growth & stem cells
II (2006) Maths & life sciences: models of development II
I (2005) Maths & life sciences: models of development I