First meeting on Biophysical approaches to exopolymeric particle dynamics in aquatic ecosystems
Organized by Juan Calvo, Juan de Vicente, Isabel Reche and Juan Soler. Date: June 26th-27th. Place: Universidad de Granada. Abstract: The...
MNat PhD School: Patterns in Life and Social Sciences
En Granada del 13 al 19 de junio de 2019. Minicourses (June 13-14): Facultad de Ciencias. Workshop (June 17-19): Fundación Euroárabe....

II Jornadas d(Efecto) Pasillo
Dos miembros de MNat (Juan Antonio Marchal e Isabel Reche) participan como ponentes en las II Jornadas d(Efecto) Pasillo....

1st Workshop 2018 Modeling Nature: from Nano to Macro
The 1st Workshop on Modeling Nature: from Nano to Macro (MNAT2018) will be organized at the University of Granada, Spain, within the...